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Clarification regarding Prediction timeline

Hi Team,

Needed a little bit of clarification regarding time line of soybean & Sugarcane crops in Brazil.

We have some knowledge that Soy is usually cultivated during Sep-Oct and harvested in Jan-Feb. AS you guys are providing crops in “first crop” time so, when you say a pixel 2020 tif predicted as Soybean, that means that soybean was planted in Sept-Oct 2019 and was harvested in Jan-Feb 2020??

Similarly for Sugarcane, when you say a pixel in 2019 is Sugarcane, that means sugarcane was present on the pixel during Sept-Dec 2018 and was harvested during April-June 2019??

Any clarification or point of contact will be of great help…

1 curtida

Hi! I have the same question.